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Xi Jinping Interviewed the Envoys of 2017 Working Conference for Diplomatic Envoys and Made Important Speeches

Author: Source:Xinhua News Agency Time:2018-01-02
On December 28, Xi Jinping, the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, the state president and the chairman of the Central Military Commission, met with all the delegates who returned to attend 2017 Working Conference for Diplomatic Envoys and delivered the important speeches at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.
Xinhua News Agency/Ding Lin
Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 28 (Reporter Hou Lijun) Xi Jinping, the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, the state president and the chairman of the Central Military Commission, met with all the delegates who returned to attend 2017 Working Conference for Diplomatic Envoys and delivered the important speeches at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping highly appreciated the achievements made by the diplomatic work since the 18th CPC National Congress and he required envoys to profoundly understand the spirit of the 19rd National Congress and the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in a new era. Mastering the current trend of the times and the international situation and further promoting the diplomacy of major powers with Chinese characteristics are taken into consideration.
On behalf of the Party Central Committee, Xi Jinping first sincerely extended his condolences to all the envoys and all the people who work hard on the diplomatic front. Through tackling numerous hardships, Xi Jinping emphasized we committed to make unprecedented diplomatic achievements on definitely maintaining the sovereignty, security and interests of the country, actively expanding the overall diplomatic layout, positively participating in global governance and promoting the co-building of the "Belt and Road” initiative with the support of the people of all ethnic groups across the country and the leadership of the Party Central Committee since the 18th CPC National Congress. We have created a favorable external environment for the realization of the Two Centenary Goals and the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation and further made a significant contribution to promote the development and progress of human society. In the past five years, the achievements we made in diplomatic work have won the universal praise among the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country.
Xi Jinping pointed out that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered into a new era. For the purpose of doing a good diplomacy job in this new era, we must deeply understand the spirit of the 19th NPC and correctly master the current trend of the times and the international situation. Looking at the current world, we are facing with a century of great changes. Since the beginning of the new century, a large number of emerging market countries and developing countries have witnessed the rapid development. The world has been improving the development of multipolarization and the international pattern is becoming more and more balanced. The trend of international trends is irreversible. The Chinese Communist Party unites and leads the Chinese people to work strenuously and exert themselves in their own fields, which ushers in a great leap for the Chinese nation from getting up, getting rich to getting strong. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has shown an unprecedented bright future.
As long as we firmly stick to one goal and make courageous progress along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, our country will surely become prosperous. We will certainly come closer to the central stage of the world and make greater contributions to human day by day. Under the strong leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the people of all nationalities in our country have been insisted in their faith, determined in their conviction, unswervingly adhered to the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics and carried out reform and opening up. Meanwhile, CPC bravely explored the new roads instead of the old and evil ones, which has made remarkable achievements in development and shown a bright future for development.
Xi Jinping pointed out that China's development is facing with unprecedented opportunities as well as unprecedented challenges. Keeping in mind the original mission, enterprising spirit and innovation, all our comrades in the diplomatic field must conscientiously study and carry out the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in a new era, which further promotes the diplomacy of major powers with Chinese characteristics and contributes to the development for the party and the country.
First, maintaining the integrity of the party and dedicating to the country's children. These are the root and soul for diplomatic personnel to persevere in our ideals and beliefs and absolutely be loyal to the party, our country and our people. We must firmly establish the "Four Ideologies", strengthen the "Four Self-confidences", conscientiously maintain a high degree of ideological and political alignment with the party Central Committee, resolutely safeguard the authority of the party Central Committee and centralize and unify leadership, decidedly implement the guidelines and policies of the Party Central Committee's diplomacy, firmly safeguard the interests of the country and national dignity, uphold diplomatic interests for the people and serve the people wholeheartedly.
Second, keeping the enterprise of the pioneering and responsible spirit. The Chinese Communist Party not only serves the happiness of the Chinese people but also makes contributions to all mankind and takes it as the important mission. It is necessary to make overall plans for both the domestic and international situations, establish a broader world vision and a more ambitious strategic aspiration, cherish the motherland and make the world fit for the benefit of the world, promote the building of a new type of international relations and promote the building of a community of human destiny. We must deepen the all-round diplomatic layout, expand the global partnership network and continuously expand our "circle of friends". It is necessary to promote the establishment of "B&R", deepen the extensive cooperation with all countries and promote common development. We must take an active part in global governance and multilateral affairs and safeguard the interests of the Chinese people and the common interests of all mankind. We should tell the story of the Chinese Communist Party well, tell the story of China well, tell the story of the Chinese people well, and promote understanding and friendship between China and foreign countries.
Third, keeping a kind of aggressive of the active learning and the self-improvement constantly. The connotation and denotation of diplomatic work in our country have been continuously expanded. The situation and tasks have been constantly changing, which leads to set the higher requirements for the diplomatic team building. Diplomatic personnel should be not only politically competent but also capable. We must unswervingly enhance the study that includes the party's theories, guidelines, principles and policies, the state laws and regulations. Learning all aspects of knowledge, members of Party can continuously raise the level of science and specialization. We must strengthen capacity building and provide strong support for doing a good job of working with foreign countries.
Fourth, keeping the sense of responsibility to manage and strictly govern the party. The Party Central Committee takes in charge of the power of diplomacy and carries out centralized and unified leadership over diplomatic work. The main responsibility of managing and governing the party must be implemented practically. We should adhere to comprehensively strengthen Party discipline, grasp the leadership of the party and the building of the party and carry out an excellent work in ideological and political. We must strictly abide by the party's political discipline and political rules and strictly implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Government. A diplomatic team, with strong political standards, professional workmanship, good style and strict discipline, should be built strenuously.
Xi Jinping hopes that envoys will keep in mind the importance of the trust given by the party and the people, the faithful performance of a duty and the hard-working so as to write new colorful movements for China's diplomatic work in the new era through their own practical efforts.
Envoys were accompanied by Ding Xuexiang (the member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the secretary of the Central Secretariat and the chairman of the Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee) and Yang Jiechi (the member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the state councilor).
The theme of the 2017 Working Conference for Diplomatic Envoys is to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 19th NPC and socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi Jinping and create a new situation in the diplomacy of major powers with Chinese characteristics in a new era. Yang Jiechi attended the conference and delivered a speech which demands to deeply study and understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches. Guided by the spirit of the Party's 19 NPC and Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Forging ahead and working hard, we must closely unite with the central of CCP that takes Xi Jinping as the core to show the new atmosphere and new achievements in the diplomacy of major powers with Chinese characteristics in a new era. The heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the relevant departments of the Central Government attended the meeting.