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Zhu Baoliang, Chief Economist of the State Information Center——China's economic development and policy recommendations during the 14th Five-Year Plan period

Author:mengpeng Source: Time:2021-04-16

  Zhu Baoliang, Chief Economist of the State Information Center——China's economic development and policy recommendations during the 14th Five-Year Plan period

  The ninth World Economic and Political Biweekly Forum was held on April 8, 2021. Zhu Baoliang, chief economist of the State Information Center, gave a lecture on China's economic development and policy recommendations during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. Zhang Bin, Deputy Director and Senior Fellow of IWEP, presided over the forum. Yao Zhizhong, Secretary-General of NIGS, and other researchers participated in the forum.

  Mr. Zhu Baoliang first reviewed the formation process of the supply-side structural reform policy by combining theory with his own experience. He explained that the reform aimed primarily at solving the specific contradiction of "four downs and one up" of that period. From the perspectives of improving the quality of products and supply of production factors, the reform was utilized to promote the adjustment of the economic structure and to increase China's total factor productivity. Afterwards, Mr. Zhu talked about the main opportunities and challenges facing China during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, and analyzed China's main advantages and objective conditions. He believed that the socialist market economy system should be improved promptly to cope with risks and challenges through making macro-control policies, building an innovative state, and developing a modern industrial system. At the end of the lecture, Mr. Zhu answered questions from the audience.