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Professor Tang Shiping of Fudan University--The Institutional Basis of Economic Development

Author: Source: Time:2020-11-25


  On November 19, 2020, the fourth World Economic and Political Bi-weekly Forum was held at the Institute of World Economics and Politics. Professor Tang Shiping from the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University gave a lecture on The Institutional Basis of Economic Development which was the latest achievement of Professor Tang Shiping's research.  


  The lecture was chaired by Yao Zhizhong, Secretary-General of National Institute for Global Strategy. Four discussants, Xu Xiujun, Director of the International Political Economy Research Division, Xu Qiyuan, Director of the International Development Research Division, Song Jin, Director of the China & World Economy Editorial Department , and Xiong Aizong, Director of the Global Economic Research Department of NIGS participated in the discussion. Zhang Yuyan, Director of IWEP and Chief Expert of NIGS, and other research fellows and students of UCASS attended the lecture.  

Professor Tang first introduced the model to understand how institution affects economic growth, and analyzed Mancur Olson’s analogy of Big Bills on the Sidewalk in depth. Secondly, Professor Tang used empirical research methods to explain how institution system ultimately affects economic growth by influencing four key factors and six dimensions. Finally, Professor Tang interacted with the four discussants and the audience, and responded to the questions.